
The right use of supplements

I generally do not recommend using any supplements unless it is clear, that you have an imbalance or digestion problem and supplements can help correct this imbalance. When using them they have to be used for the right reason and with the right dosage otherwise they can potentially make things worse.

Here are some supplements that may be helpful:

supplements for improving digestion

This supplement is based on beet juice and beet greens and can help get sluggish bile flowing again.

Plant based dygestive enzymes. Any time food is heated over 112 degrees (45 Celsius) most of the enzymes are killed. In addition to that many raw foods today are depleted of the enzymes they would normally contain due to mass productive methods and soil deterioration). So this product will supply you with what you need to properly digest food.

By mainstream and marketing we are taught that acid reflux is caused by too much stomach acid. In fact often the opposite is the case and the stomach lacks acid and if that is the case the stomach valve wont be triggered to close properly.

In many cases, if you have had low stomach acid for an extended period o ftime, it means it was real easy for bacteria to move into your stomach lining and multiply. This natural rememdy helps to kill of those bacteria before you can start fixing your stomach acid.

Swedish Bitters - improves digestion and bile flow

This is a very natural way to improve digestion and bile flow and it is pretty efficient. However not everyone tolerates the extremely bitter taste of Swedish bitters. Regardless, it is helpful to have a bottle in the fridge in case , after a meal you feel particularly bloated and bad.

If you suspect fungal overgrowth this herbal supplement may be helpful as it antimfungal agents in it can kill off several strains of intestinal fungi and help remove the biofilm that may have built up.

Berberine has the ability to kill fungi that may have overgrown in your small or large intestine. It is also good at getting rid of the biofilm and specifically reommended for Candida overgrowth.

If you have dealt with reduced or blocked bile flow and problems digesting fats this supplement can help support bile production and improve fat digestion. It should not be used if your blood stream is alkaline, as it will push you more into that state.

I use this herbal remedy when dealing with IBS - very often I combine it with other antimicrobial agents in order to achieve a more potent result.

This supplement, combined with the beet juice supplement and digestive enzimes can help to start making you own bile again, after you have had trouble producing enough for some time. It also helps to lower blood pressure, so if you already have low blood pressure, this may not be the right choice.

supplements for improving imbalances

These mineral drops are very useful if you have an electrolyte deficiency. An electrolyte deficiency can make you feel tired, cause insomnia, muscle cramps, nauseas, joint pains and other issues.